We are on our way back up the Trace from Natchez where we spent two great days on the banks of the Mississippi in the sunshine.See photo above of the ole miss. Then we went to Rocky Springs campground on Monday night. Then on to Jeff Busby Tuesday night. Met more new friends, had great weather until monsoons came Tuesday night. Left Busby late after spendingtime with family on their way to Houston MS for Make and Break Engine Show. Let the Trace in Martinsen and drove less than a mile to truck stop. When we got out of the motorhome the tornado sirens were sounding.
A man came up to us urging us to go inside.He confirmed that it was tornado siren. I expressed concern that I was leaving my pet in the car. He looked at me intently and said " Ma'm , everything is going to be alright." So we went in. There were ten or so people in the restaurant most of them local. We picked out our food but it was difficult to relax with all the uncertainty. They began watching the
weather maps tracking the tornado. Oh its going right over my house..he interupts then calls his wife at home, then everyone goes oh, its moving....its coming right down 82. This was the road we were on. The tornado did move slightly off to the side... we had one heck of a storm with large hail, wind and rain. The food was great at the Trace Cafe Truckstop. Home cooked meatloaf and country fried steak, sides and desert for just $10 for both of us.
We arrived in Tupelo under another tornado watch. Another wild storm for three to fours hours wind, five inches of rain, hail, everything.
We are ready for a calm day!